2022 Production Trailer
“Now, under revival director Crispin Lord, some exciting young singers are making Rodolfo and his impoverished artist friends very much their own.” -- Jessica Duchen, The i
“As solidly revived by Crispin Lord, Miller’s original social diagnosis remains intact” -- Neil Fisher, The Times
“This was, I think, the fourth time I have seen Jonathan Miller’s production of La bohème. It strikes me, in this revival directed by Crispin Lord, to have a good deal of life in it left” -- Mark Berry, The Boulezian
“English National Opera’s latest revival cast brings freshness and a fine attention to detail under revival director Crispin Lord” -- Kevin Ng, Bachtrack
“A strong revival” -- Robert Hugill
“Now, under revival director Crispin Lord, some exciting young singers are making Rodolfo and his impoverished artist friends very much their own.” -- Jessica Duchen, The i
“As solidly revived by Crispin Lord, Miller’s original social diagnosis remains intact” -- Neil Fisher, The Times
“This was, I think, the fourth time I have seen Jonathan Miller’s production of La bohème. It strikes me, in this revival directed by Crispin Lord, to have a good deal of life in it left” -- Mark Berry, The Boulezian
“English National Opera’s latest revival cast brings freshness and a fine attention to detail under revival director Crispin Lord” -- Kevin Ng, Bachtrack
“A strong revival” -- Robert Hugill