Resurrection (A Bad Copy)

December 2023, Ufer Studios Berlin

Concept, Direction & Performance       Crispin Lord
Sound & Music                                       Tom Foskett-Barnes
Sign Language Performer                    Mila Valtin
Sign Language Interpreter                   Xenia Vitriak
Sign Language Access Dramaturg    Rita Mazza
Lighting                                                            Robert Prideaux
Dramaturgy                                               Sheena McGrandles
Technical Team                                             Ernesto Cárcamo Cavzos, Nikola Pieper & Max Stelzl
Photos (c) Alicja Hoppel

The performer is an assistant director. He is tasked with piecing together a revival of Peter Maxwell Davies’ music-theatre work Resurrection (1987), about a boy who explodes and is reassembled. But since he doesn’t know what the original was like, and since no one can tell him, what should be a precise copy transforms into something else. Interpreting instead the compositional and dramaturgical strategies of Max’s original score, he asks: what should a faithful or excellent production look like? Am I in control of the material or is it leading me? And what is the status of my interpretation as opposed to someone else’s?

The music and text is performed throughout in German sign language by Deaf Performer Mila Valtin.